Do you think you can really change the world?.. well late Mrs Mildred V. Leonard thought so. In case you don't know..or you are new here my name is Zeek and I'll be taking you round every week on something catchy on music/songs or something related or interesting. I am a music lover and also a critic. Someone once sent me a song I had to delete. sometimes I don't even care who sings, once its bad, its bad. well don't get me wrong i'm not saying i'm a ''standard'' to be followed but that's me. I might not know so much on the basis of music theories as a study, but I sure know how it should sound. enough of feeling myself.....before you say i'm showing myself..(grins). so this afternoon I heard this song on the radio while trying to study. it caught my attention. I quickly picked one or two lyrics put them together and i asked my friend, my friend, GOOGLE. On a light...
Hello everyone, I apologize for that short break I had. i had things going on; it was imperative i took it off. So, down to today's business. This day's piece is a question and a bugging one at that. This is it...IS IT POSSIBLE A SONG HAVE A GENERAL ACCEPTANCE, LEAVING NOONE BEHIND?. I'll consider this piece a little rhetoric. This question I had asked myself severally and seem to find no concrete answer so far especially from the few people I had consulted, the reason I had to publish this. Considering the fact that there are many factors involved in Individual music/song selection. ranging from factors such as musical background of the individual; talking about the type of music the Individual was/had been exposed to especially at a very tender age. Genre is another factor; some like it cool and ''R n B' like, some like it ''rocky''(like Rocky Balboa). state of Individuals mind at a point in time is another thing; to some people when they ar...
You know why I like life? When you think you’ve seen it all? You see another side suddenly unravels. This same process applies to music when some seconds ago you felt…o boy…this is my jam…another humble artiste drops another hit. Music is much more than melody, rhyme, I can say its..hmnn.(what’s the word again?) ENCOMPASSING. Lest I forget, I’m sorry for the delay in this posting, many technical issues came up and personal ones Don’t let me bore you with my lil obsession about how it should be seen( I wish I could see my school work this way, just saying) So, my song for this week is one of our own. You want to guess? I bet you would have guessed wrongly, if not for my topic (gotya). A friend some weeks back asked me, what does ‘’Halleluyah’’ have to do with a love song. At that title, seeing simi and johnny drille on the cover the ‘’religious’’ people may wanna feel somehow.., but to the music lovers that question will be what will spur me(us) would make us inquisitive, make ...
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